Legal Notice
Headquarters: BIC de Cap Omega – Rd Point Benjamin Franklin – CS 39521 – 34000 Montpellier
Tel: 04 67 47 70 95
Ecomnews share capital: €63,850.00
SIRET: 809 555 626 000 21
Editorial staff:
Montpellier RCS: 15B00426
Individual tax identification number: FR 96 809 555 626 000 13
President of Ecomnews: François Fontes (Hugar)
Managing Director and Editorial Director: Denys Bedarride
Host: OVEA 59 rue Nelson Mandela 34070 Montpellier
CNIL declaration number: MNw15129116
The Joint Commission for Publications and Press Agencies recognized from 03/31/2024 on the site ” The quality of online press service, in application of article 1 of law n ° 86- 897 of 1 August 1986 reforming the legal regime of the press”. His official CPPAP number is: 0324 W 93 323
The use of Ecomnews Med
L’accès et l’utilisation des Services sont conditionnés par l’acceptation et le respect des présentes Conditions par l’utilisateur.
L’accès et l’utilisation de Ecomnews Med n’est possible qu’après avoir accepté les présentes CGU. Cette acceptation s’effectue lors de l’inscription de l’utilisateur sur le site, en cochant une case indiquant qu’il a lu, compris et accepte les présentes CGU.
Par cette acceptation l’utilisateur reconnait avoir l’obligation de se contraindre aux règles édictées par l’éditeur et à toutes les lois, règles et règlements applicables, quelles soient locales, nationales ou internationales.
L’utilisation de Ecomnews Med vaut acceptation des présentes CGU et n’est possible que si l’utilisateur a la capacité de conclure un contrat avec Ecomnews Med.
En cas d’acceptation de des présentes CGU et d’utilisation de Ecomnews Med au nom d’une association, d’une entreprise, d’une collectivité, d’une organisation, d’un gouvernement ou d’une autre entité juridique, l’utilisateur se déclare capable de le faire et nous le garanti.
Ecomnews Med peut cesser de fournir les Services à ses utilisateurs sans être en mesure de les en aviser au préalable.
Les présentes CGU pourront être modifiées par l’éditeur, à tout moment et sans préavis. L’utilisateur est donc invité à consulter régulièrement leur dernière version mise à jour, disponible à tous et accessible en permanence sur l’index du Site, en cliquant sur le lien « Conditions de Ecomnews » ou une fois connecté en cliquant dans le menu déroulant de la barre de navigation sur le lien « Conditions ».
Ecomnews Med reserves the right to set limits on the use of its services and content storage at any time without notice.
In the event of refusal of the modification, the user must no longer use the site and the Publisher reserves the right to delete his account without him being able to claim any compensation.
Processing of user’s personal information
In accordance with the provisions of the law of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the processing of personal data carried out from the website “” has been subject to a declaration to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) under the number to be completed.
Thus, the publisher informs the user that he is responsible for the processing of information concerning him, that this collection of information (surname, first name and email address) is intended to identify the user on the Site and that he has the right to modify them later.
Any user has the possibility of opposing, for legitimate reasons, to appear in a file.
Any user may refuse without justification that the data concerning him be used for prospecting purposes, in particular commercial.
Any user proving his identity has the right to question the editor ( in order to know if he holds information about him, and if necessary, to obtain communication thereof.
Any user can read all the data concerning him and obtain a copy, the cost of which cannot exceed that of reproduction.
Right of use of Ecomnews Med
The site is the exclusive and timeless property of the publisher. As such, it grants a free, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access and use the Site subject to the user’s acceptance and compliance with the T&Cs. All other rights are excluded without the prior consent of the publisher. The content (other than that of the user or that of other users) includes or is accessible on and/or through the Site, in particular any text, graphics, logos, sounds, names, trademarks, designations, icons, images, data, photographs, tabs, videos or any other data, materials or software that constitute the “Ecomnews Med content” is the exclusive and timeless property of the publisher, is protected by intellectual property law and is subject to applicable laws and regulations in the matter.
The user agrees in this respect not to use or exploit the Ecomnews Med content for purposes other than those provided for in these T&Cs. Furthermore, the user is not authorized to modify, improve, edit, translate, decompile, disassemble or create one or more derivative work(s) from the Ecomnews Med content (in whole or in part), except if this possibility has been expressly granted to him in writing by the publisher or the owner (s) of the content concerned.
Rules of good conduct
User agrees not to post User Content that:
The user agrees not to engage in the following prohibited activities:
Your Rights to User Content
User content posted privately or publicly is the responsibility of the user from whom the content originated. The user can:
Deleting content makes the content invisible to all users and copies may persist for some time.
As soon as the user publishes user content on the site, he abandons his intellectual property rights. The published content automatically becomes visible to all users of the Site and to any other person who consults the said content on the site or on any other platform.
As such, the user declares to accept that they have, free of charge and personally, the ability to view, interact and share the content of the user on the Site or from the Site, on other tools. electronic communications (including mobile telephony), or on other sites, without time limit and without compensation or recognition to the user.
Regarding the content of other users:
Droits de l’éditeur sur le Contenu Utilisateur
Ecomnews Med reserves the right to delete user content if it does not comply with the “Rules of good conduct” set out in article 4 hereof.
The publisher reserves the right to reproduce the user content on the Site or any other communication medium deemed necessary and, as necessary, adapt the format for this purpose and without time limit. As such, the user expressly authorizes the publisher to use the user content for all promotional campaigns that it undertakes without compensation or recognition towards the user.
The publisher will not be held responsible for the risks of misappropriation and/or pirating against the data transmitted and/or the user content. It is therefore up to him to take all appropriate measures to protect his data and user content.
User responsibility
L’utilisateur est tenu de respecter les dispositions légales et réglementaires en vigueur concernant les données personnelles et le contenu utilisateur qu’il fournit au Site.
Il appartient en conséquence à l’utilisateur de s’assurer que la diffusion de données et du contenu utilisateur ne constitue pas une violation des droits du tiers, une atteinte aux personnes, au respect de la vie privé et une atteinte à l’ordre public et aux bonnes moeurs (pour plus de précision, se reporter à l’article 4 des présentes « Règles de bonne conduite).
Ainsi, en mettant en ligne des données personnelles et du contenu utilisateur, l’utilisateur garantit qu’il détient tous les droits et autorisations nécessaires à la publication de ces éléments. Si ce n’est pas le cas, l’éditeur se décharge de toute responsabilité et à ce titre informe l’utilisateur qu’il encoure des sanctions pénales pouvant entrainer le versement de dommages et intérêts à la victime et des peines d’emprisonnement et/ou d’amende à son encontre.
L’utilisateur assume ainsi toute la responsabilité d’une publication et l’utilisation d’un contenu sur Ecomnews Med. Aussi, nous recommandons vivement à l’utilisateur de respecter les règles de bonnes conduites édictées à l’article 4 des présentes CGU.
Any content that does not respect the rules of good conduct, the rights of third parties or the laws or regulations in force, will be deleted, as will the account of the deviating user.
The user must choose a password when registering and can change it later.
The user undertakes to keep this password confidential, not to communicate it, not to allow a third party to access his account or to compromise its security.
The user is responsible for the use and protection of the password chosen to access the Services and the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from a breach by the user. to the above.
Ecomnews Med strongly recommends the user to use a password consisting of a combination of several upper and lower case letters, several numbers and special characters.
Publisher’s responsibility
The publisher undertakes to provide the service in accordance with the T&Cs.
The publisher does not verify the veracity of the information provided by the Users and declines all responsibility when the inaccuracy, inadequacy or illegality of said information.
The publisher cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the information data and/or content provided by a user, whether or not it is accessible to the public, for the lack of veracity of said data, information or content, for errors or omissions that they may include, as well as damages resulting from the use of any content provided by a user, displayed or transmitted on the Site in any way whatsoever.
The publisher has no general obligation to monitor user content and data shared on the Site, as such it has no obligation to delete manifestly illegal content.
The publisher can in no way be held responsible for any consequence that may arise during or at the end of a meeting or contact between several users or non-users, following the use of the Site.
The publisher reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to modify any information appearing on the Site as part of an update or the correction of errors or inaccuracies.
The publisher is not responsible for the content of third-party websites to which hypertext links on the Site refer. If the publisher is judged in accordance with applicable law as liable for damage not provided for above, its liability will be limited to certain, real and established damages.
No opinion expressed on the Services is endorsed by Ecomnews Med.
Duration and termination
The contract is concluded for an indefinite period from the acceptance by the user of these T&Cs.
As of right, the publisher reserves the right to immediately suspend access to the Site to a user who does not comply with the rules laid down by these T&Cs or who goes against the interests of Ecomnews Med. The user will be informed by e-mail and must within 48 hours cease misuse of the Site, under penalty of outright deletion of his account.
In addition, as soon as the content broadcast does not comply with the rules of good conduct, the user account may be deleted without notice as provided for in Article 6 hereof.
The user can unsubscribe from the Site at any time by following the following procedure:
Availability of the Site
The Site is in principle accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for interruption, scheduled or not, for the purposes of its maintenance or in the event of force majeure. Being in fact subject to an obligation of means, we cannot be held responsible for any damage, whatever its nature, resulting from the unavailability of the Site.
Proof, conservation and archiving
The computerized registers kept in our systems in compliance with the rules of the art in terms of security, will be considered as proof of e-mail communications, sending of registration forms, creation of boxes, suggestions of ideas and posting of comments. and answers. The archiving of the registration forms is carried out on a support likely to ensure the faithful and durable character required by the legal provisions in force. It is agreed that in the event of a discrepancy between our computerized registers and the documents in paper or electronic format available to you, our computerized registers will prevail.
Disputes and Limitations of Liability
This article is intended to limit the liability of Ecomnews, its companies, officers, employees and partners (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Ecomnews Entities”)
The user accesses the Services and Content of Ecomnews Med at his own risk and perils.
The Services are provided “as is” and “as is” by Ecomnews Med, excluding all express or implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.
The Ecomnews Entities cannot guarantee that its Services will always be safe, secure, error-free or operate without interruptions and accepts no liability for this.
The Ecomnews Entities also decline all responsibility for damage to a computer system, in the event of loss of data or other damage resulting from access to or use of the Services or the Content.
The Ecomnews Entities exclude their liability for consequential damages, loss of profit or revenue resulting from users’ access to the Services, their use or the inability to access the Services.
These conditions are subject to French law. All claims, disputes or legal proceedings fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Montpellier, even for emergency or conservatory proceedings in summary proceedings or by request, notwithstanding multiple defendants or warranty claims.