Denys Bédarride
Thursday 22 October 2020 Last update on Thursday, October 22, 2020 At 6:19 PM

Live from Tunis: Held online, the Extraordinary and Elective General Assembly of BUSINESSMED elected its new executive board and appointed Barbara Beltrame Giacomello of CONFINDUSTRIA (Italy) as the new President of the organization for a three-year term.

The Mediterranean Union of Business Confederations (BUSINESSMED) held an Extraordinary and Elective General Assembly online on October 20, 2020 with the presence of the majority of its members. After the evaluation of the last three years of activity, the Assembly appointed Barbara Beltrame of CONFINDUSTRIA (Italy) as the new President of BUSINESSMED, for a three-year term (2020 – 2023).

This new presidency will be an opportunity to rethink the major economic challenges and opportunities of the Euro-Mediterranean region and to adapt the objectives of the strategic vision of the organization …:
“BUSINESSMED has more than ever a strong and preponderant role to play, and a mission to accomplish to strengthen the positioning of the organization and make the voice of the private sector heard in Europe, the Mediterranean and Africa” ​​… “Now is the time for our employers’ federations to reconnect, rethink and relaunch by adopting a long-term vision to respond and redress our region. ” Barbara Beltrame said during her contribution.

The Extraordinary and Elective General Assembly also voted for its new executive board made up of Barbara Beltrame (CONFINDUSTRIA, Italy), a first Vice-president (FEI, Egypt), a second Vice-president (TUSIAD-TISK, Turkey), a northern member of the executive board (MEA, Malta) and a southern member of the executive board (ALI-CCIA BML, Lebanon).

The BUSINESSMED Secretariat has sent, on the occasion its warmest congratulations to all members and for continuing to represent the voice of business in the Euro-Mediterranean region.