Tariff reforms initiated by the Suez Canal Authority continue. In the opinion of some observers, this is a strategy for the SCA to make the investments made to upgrade the facilities profitable.
The rules for determining rights of way for cruise yachts using the Suez Canal have been modified by the authority in charge of infrastructure management. The new tax base presented by the SCA (Suez Canal Authority) concerns yachts with a gross tonnage of less than 300 tonnes and should be in force since Sunday May 1.
Under the new rules, charges will be determined by “the product of the total international load * 1.20”, for ships whose international tonnage is known.
For cruising yachts that do not have an international total tonnage, the determination of fees is based on the following equation “(the product of the total length of the yacht * the greatest width of the yacht * the greatest depth of the yacht) / 2.83”.
This is seen as an adjustment to the rights of way for these types of vessels which were in the category of cruise ships until then exempt from the application of the new rates of increase, varying between 5 and 10% of the old fees, in in force since March 1.
According to the SCA, the calculation of transit rights should be done automatically by then, with the upcoming implementation of a dedicated digital platform currently being developed.
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