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#Aid #Development #JORDAN
Wednesday 29 March 2023 Last update on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 At 1:01 PM

The annual report published by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) details the international aid commitments signed in 2022 for Jordan, the amount of which amounts to 4.4 billion USD in 2022. In value, the Commitments are stable compared to 2021 when they were valued at USD 4.4 billion by the MoPIC, i.e. around USD 396 per inhabitant. As a percentage of GDP, they drop from 9.7% in 2021 to 9.2% in 2022.

As a reminder, the levels of Official Development Assistance (ODA) received by Jordan are very high compared to those observed in other upper middle-income countries. In 2021, ODA represents 7.6% of Jordan’s GNI compared to 0.1% in upper middle-income countries.

This commitment amount for 2022 consists of grants (55% of the total) and concessional loans (45% of the total). 31% of donations are directed to Jordan’s response plan to the Syrian crisis, Jordan Response Plan – “JRP” – (which corresponds to 17% of total commitments). While the amount of grants saw a year-on-year decline of -7.5%, concessional loans were up +11% compared to the previous year, despite the saturation of the country’s debt capacity. 

As in 2021, the Jordanian authorities estimate that the JRP remains underfunded at 33.4% in 2022 (compared to 30.6% in 2021). The rest of the ODA relates to regional projects, technical assistance or scholarships and involves very insignificant amounts.

Budget aid still makes up the bulk of commitments, i.e. 41.2% of the total in 2022. Excluding budget aid, water and sanitation constitute the first item of ODA (14% of the total), followed by agriculture and food security (13% of the total) and social protection (12% of the total).

USAID remains the main provider of aid to Jordan, in particular grants, followed by the European Union. USAID has committed nearly USD 1.2 billion in 2022, an amount well above the EU (USD 104 million). With regard to concessional loans, the World Bank is the leading borrower with USD 642.6 million, followed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) with EUR 200 million. Our bilateral commitment consists of a single concessional loan from AFD on gender-responsive budgeting (EUR 150m).

Source Embassy of France in Jordan

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