21 000 étudiants Algériens candidats pour rejoindre les universités françaises
#Entrepreneurship #Students #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #USAID #EGYPT
Agence Ecofin
Sunday 27 August 2023 Last update on Sunday, August 27, 2023 At 9:00 AM

The USA and Arab organizations have undertaken a support program for SMEs. As part of its implementation in Egypt, the partners want to give graduates the entrepreneurial skills to facilitate business creation.

The United States government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has launched a program in Egypt to train students in entrepreneurship. The program called RIPPLE plans to develop entrepreneurship centers in ten Egyptian universities.

These ten entrepreneurship centers will provide student entrepreneurs with resources, mentorship, advice and training to help them generate new business ideas and grow their businesses.

“Students involved in the Entrepreneurship Centers created and supported by the RIPPLE program will graduate with the skills, training, networks and confidence they need to launch their careers as entrepreneurs and business creators. new and innovative,” said US Deputy Chief of Mission Evyenia Sidereas.

The development and operation of the centers will be funded under the US government’s Business Egypt program, which has a budget of $35 million. The program also benefits from the support of the Arab League and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport.

Together, the partners aim to densify the Egyptian economic fabric through job creation, and the creation and consolidation of small and medium-sized businesses. As in Egypt, it will be implemented throughout the Arab zone. 

A total of 30 universities are targeted.

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