Egypte : L’engouement pour le blé russe atteint des sommets
#Agriculture #Wheat #EGYPT
Agence Ecofin
Monday 1 July 2024 Last update on Monday, July 1, 2024 At 7:00 AM

Egypt is Africa's biggest importer of wheat. The country, which is also the main wheat producer on the continent, is seeking to reduce its production deficit and the costs associated with buying the grain on the international market.

In Egypt, the government hopes to increase the area devoted to wheat cultivation to 1.47 million hectares by 2024/2025, i.e. 126,000 hectares more than the area sown during the previous season. This was revealed by Hala El-Said, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, on 26 May. 

According to the Minister, if this target is met, the country’s wheat stocks will increase to 5.2 million tonnes, compared with around 4 million tonnes in 2023/2024. This project is in line with the government’s ambitions to increase local production in order to reduce its purchases on the international market. 

At present, Egypt still relies on imports for 53% of its wheat consumption, which stands at over 20 million tonnes a year, while supply hovers around 8-9 million tonnes. 

With a view to diversifying its cereal supplies, the country has decided to add 3 new countries to its portfolio of suppliers on the international market from 2025. According to information relayed by the Zawya media, citing a source close to the matter who requested anonymity, the government is currently in talks with Zimbabwe, Mexico and Sweden. 

It should be noted that Egypt currently buys wheat mainly from Russia, France, Romania and Ukraine, according to the USDA.

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