Algerian start-ups can now easily position themselves in public procurement related to ICT. On August 5, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications launched the website which is exclusively dedicated to them. The aim is to support their efforts at economic growth.
The Algerian Ministry of Post and Telecommunications launched, the electronic portal for tenders and consultations dedicated to ICT start-ups and microenterprises on August 5, 2020.
The initiative, which aims to facilitate the positioning of these companies on public markets to ultimately improve their business, is the result of collaboration between the Minister of Post and Telecommunications Brahim Boumzar, the Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of microenterprises, Nassim Diafat, and the Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of the knowledge economy and Start-ups, Yacine El-Mehdi Walid.
Minister Brahim Boumzar insisted, during the launching ceremony of the portal, that it “does not replace the legal provisions in force relating to the obligation of the publication of public contracts in written media”, but ” is one of the modern means that will be used for greater fairness and transparency, and competition on a larger scale, in the process of obtaining these contracts ”.
He stressed that this tool comes to respond to the concerns of young tech entrepreneurs who complained of not having access to information on public procurement, which prevents them from positioning themselves in public contracts launched by the government. According to Brahim Boumzar, the new website will allow them to access all calls for tenders, consultations and opportunities in the ICT sector, by wilayas and fields of activity.
Brahim Boumzar is certain that the platform will become “one of the most effective tools for enabling young entrepreneurs to participate in public procurement projects, and therefore to participate in national development efforts”.
Source Ecofin Agency
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