#Covid19 #Digital #Telecommunication #EGYPT
Denys Bédarride
Tuesday 3 November 2020 Last update on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 At 11:34 AM

The Egyptian government will switch to digital to ensure the effective continuity of State services in the current context of Covid-19. On October 25th, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for the immediate start of the "Digital Egypt" initiative.

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, President of the Republic of Egypt, instructed Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly and Minister of Communications and Information Technologies, Amr Talaat, of the “immediate start” of the “Digital Egypt” initiative.” The goal is to improve government efficiency.

It was during the hearing he granted them on October 25th, 2020, during which he addressed the level of execution of “national projects related to the communications and information technology sector”, declared the spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic, Bassam Rady.

“Maximize the use of artificial intelligence”

The “Digital Egypt” initiative is the technological transformation program designed since 2018 by the Egyptian state to accelerate the socio-economic growth of the country thanks to digital technology. An essential component of Egypt’s development vision for 2030, it gives an important place to e-government, which greatly contributes to good governance, the efficiency of public administration and the production of economic evidence.

In the current context of Covid-19 epidemics, the “Digital Egypt” initiative should improve access to online administrative services, facilitate the continuity of a certain number of social and economic activities for the populations despite the health restrictions imposed by disease.

During the meeting, the head of State also “urged the government to maximize the use of artificial intelligence technology in urban planning and construction projects,” added Bassam Rady.

Source : Ecofin Agency.