Egypt wants to inject $ 4 billion in the construction of a plant to produce green hydrogen through the electrolysis of water
#Hydrogen #Investment #News #EGYPT
Denys Bédarride
Tuesday 15 June 2021 Last update on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 At 2:41 PM

The Egyptian authorities have set a target for 42% of the total energy produced in the country to come from renewable sources by 2035. By the end of 2021, they will have raised this level to 20%, one year ahead of schedule. 

In Egypt, the Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energies, Mohamed Shaker said that the country plans to inject a sum of 4 billion dollars in the construction of a plant for the production of green hydrogen via the electrolysis of the water.

Neither the start date of operations nor the production capacity of the infrastructure has been announced.

The official said the project is currently at the feasibility study stage, in consultation with the Egyptian Sovereign Fund and a group of ministries. The results of this study will be published next week.

Egypt, which has become a major producer of natural gas, is working to diversify its energy mix with renewable energies by 2035. According to the authorities, hydrogen will play an important role in this project.

The country has thus acquired an industrial zone of more than 7,000 km² to accommodate clean energy production projects which should generate 90,000 MW.

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