Le Moyen-Orient va devenir devant l’Afrique du Nord le premier pôle mondial d’achat de blé 1
#ALGERIA #Cereals #EconomicAnalysis #Economy #Egypt #Institution #MediterraneanExchanges #MiddleEast #MOROCCO #NorthAfrica #Wheat #MEDITERRANEANEXCHANGES
Denys Bédarride
Wednesday 26 January 2022 Last update on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 At 7:29 AM

North Africa is the main wheat consuming region of the continent. While it is also one of the most dynamic in the world in terms of trade, the zone's import demand should however weaken during this season.

In 2021/2022, the hierarchy of the main wheat importing regions will be shaken up. According to the latest data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Middle East should supplant North Africa as the world’s leading purchasing center for the cereal.

This area is expected to import nearly 36 million tonnes of wheat against 28.5 million for North Africa, which will regain its place of dolphin previously occupied in 2018/2019 and 2019/2020.

This handover is mainly linked to a significant jump of more than 9 million tonnes in purchases planned for the Middle East from one year to the next. Meanwhile, in North Africa, the progression of acquisitions will be less dynamic with a gain of only 254,000 tonnes due to a good local harvest. Production is indeed expected at around 21.6 million tonnes against 16.6 million tonnes a year earlier.

More generally, according to the USDA, Egypt and Algeria will experience an increase in their imports to 13 million tonnes and 7.7 million tonnes respectively, while Morocco will see its purchases drop by nearly 700,000 tonnes. to 4.5 million tons.

The region is expected to consume a total of nearly 48 million tonnes of wheat in 2021/2022.

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