This brand is the cornerstone of its promotional action dedicated to international tourism, both in traditional and emerging markets.
“Morocco-Terre de lumière” aims to position Morocco among the world’s most coveted tourist destinations, to strengthen its notoriety and its attractiveness to the international public, and to strengthen its trendy image, especially among new generations of travelers.
The brand comes in three components: a visual identity of the Morocco brand, a major promotional film and several poster campaigns.
“The “Morocco-Terre de lumière” campaign is a turning point in the communication of the destination. It breathes new life into it, notably by addressing a younger, more dynamic, more connected target group, and in constant demand for the unexpected and discoveries. It strives to sublimate the wealth of the country and to affirm its splendor by emphasizing its characteristic light, which challenges travelers as soon as they arrive. This light becomes the central theme of communication as a source of life and movement, a source of inspiration for many artists” specifies Adel El Fakir, director of the ONMT.

The launch of the campaign is simultaneously planned in 19 markets including 5 strategic markets (France, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, USA), the Middle and Near East, Israel and Africa. The campaign targets international tourists ranging in age from 25 to 59 with an interest in art, cultural experiences, nature and rural heritage, beaches and leisure activities.
As the campaign has a multi-channel vocation (TV, digital, display, etc.), its deployment involves the innovative use of digital OOH (urban digital display), large formats, 3D, transport packaging, such as on London taxis, French buses, or even Italian trams.
Strong locations have been chosen as part of the deployment of this campaign such as the Opera in Paris, Plaza Callao in Madrid, Piccadilly in London or Times Square in New York.
For television, the campaign will be relayed on traditional television channels in strategic markets, particularly in France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Israel and on the most watched connected TV channels in major markets such as Germany and the United States. Adel El Fakir adds:
“The installation of the new international brand “Morocco-Terre de lumière” is thus part of a global and structured approach, in tune with the challenges of the destination, and thus completes the rebranding system gradually operated by the ONMT. . On the eve of the summer season, the ONMT is thus fully playing its role on the two axes of its commercial and promotional mission. Inspiring, attractive and clearly distinguishing itself from the competition, the “Morocco-Terre de lumière” brand supports the ongoing recovery. It is called upon to federate all Moroccan professionals and operators and, beyond that, all stakeholders in the sector. It strongly reactivates Morocco’s desire to seize development opportunities in a context of recovery”.
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