The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) and the Palestinian Monetary Authority (PMA) have announced the preliminary results of the External Position (IPI) and External Debt Statistics for Palestine as of the end of the first quarter of 2022. From its side, the trade balance, which represents the difference between exports and imports, recorded a drop of 7% in April 2022.
The main IIP (External Assets – External Liabilities) results for Palestine at the end of the first quarter of 2022 revealed that the net IIP was USD 3,750m, up 2% from the previous quarter , which means that the investments of the Palestinian economy outside Palestine exceed the foreign investments in Palestine
The total stock of external assets for the Palestinian economy stands at USD 9.788 million. Total stocks of foreign liabilities in Palestine (stocks of non-residents invested in Palestine) reach USD 6,038m, with foreign direct investments in Palestine contributing 51%, portfolio investments in Palestine accounting for 14% and other investments in Palestine (mainly loans and deposits from abroad), 35%. At the sectoral level, foreign investment in the banking sector constitutes 36% of the total value of external liabilities.
The gross external debt of the Palestinian economic sectors reached USD 2,147m, down 1% from the previous quarter. Public sector debt accounted for 61% of the total, and 36% for banking sector debt (deposits from non-residents in banks operating in Palestine).
For its part, the trade balance, which represents the difference between exports and imports, recorded a drop of 7% in April 2022 compared to the previous month, while it increased by 48% compared to April 2021, with a deficit of 553.6 M USD.
Exports in April 2022 decreased by 5% compared to the previous month and by 3% compared to April 2021, reaching USD 110.8m.
Exports to Israel increased by 2% in April 2022 compared to the previous month, and represent 91% of the total export value for April 2022. Exports to the rest of the world decreased by 43% compared to the previous month.
Imports in April 2022 decreased by 7% compared to the previous month, while they increased by 36% compared to April 2021, and stood at USD 664.4 million.
Imports from Israel increased by 2% in April 2022 compared to the previous month; they represent 58% of the total value of imports in April 2022.
Source Embassy of France in Lebanon
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