Turkey confirms its will
#DecisionMakers #Defense #News #Politics #Russia #Security #IRAN #SYRIA #TURKEY
Denys Bédarride
Wednesday 20 July 2022 Last update on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 At 10:15 AM

The President of the Republic of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said from Tehran: "We are determined to eradicate from Syria all the hotbeds of evil that threaten the national security of Türkiye."

Recep Tayyip Erdogan was speaking on July 19 as a prelude to the trilateral meeting with his Russian counterparts, Vladimir Putin and Iranian Ebrahim Raïssi, held in Tehran, the Iranian capital.

The leaders gathered for the 7th summit in Astana format discussed recent developments in Syria, the fight against terrorist groups, in particular the YPG/PKK and Daesh, – which pose a threat to regional security -, the humanitarian situation and the voluntary return of Syrians to their country.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan indicated that the PYD/PKK terrorist organization is trying to divide Syria with external support.

“It must be understood that there is no place for separatist terrorism and its extensions in the future of our region,” he said.

He also observed that the Syrian regions of Tal Rifaat and Manbij have become “a hotbed of terrorism”, adding that “the time has come to liberate these towns from the terrorist organizations that seek refuge there”.

Describing the Astana talks on Syria as a “step to take effective and concrete steps”, Erdogan said Turkey expects support from Russia and Iran in the fight against terrorism in Syria.

The voluntary, safe and dignified return of Syrians to their country is an important item on the agenda of the Astana process, the Turkish president said. He stressed the imperative for the Syrian Constitutional Committee to obtain “quick and concrete results”, arguing that its failure is considered to be that of the Astana process.

The Astana Process was launched in 2017 to restore peace in Syria, ravaged by civil war since early 2011, when Bashar al-Assad’s regime bloodily suppressed pro-democracy protests.

Eradicate all terrorist groups in Syria

Vladimir Putin also underlined the importance of eradicating all terrorist groups, in particular Daesh, from all Syrian territory.

The President of the Russian Federation stressed that the combined efforts of Russia, Türkiye and Iran to resolve the crisis in Syria are “generally effective”.

Vladimir Putin said that adopting “concrete steps” to promote an inclusive dialogue among Syrians is the task of the three countries in the near future.

Turkey confirms its will

“Russia is firmly committed to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Syria,” he continued.

He also offered to hold the next Astana summit on Syria in Russia, inviting Iranian and Turkish leaders to take part at the same time.

“Thanks to the help and support of our countries, the level of violence in Syria has decreased significantly, the economy as well as the social sphere are gradually being restored,” he concluded.

Source : Anadolu Agency

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