#Business #Diplomacy #Economy #Industry #SaudiArabia #Tourism #MOROCCO
Denys Bédarride
Sunday 4 December 2022 Last update on Sunday, December 4, 2022 At 7:00 AM

The memorandum will support sustainable tourism efforts, by strengthening training and knowledge sharing, and will introduce new investment opportunities in tourism with the prospect of job creation in both countries.

At the end of a memorandum of understanding, Morocco and Saudi Arabia will strengthen their cooperation in the tourism sector and harmonize their efforts to achieve sustainable development of the tourism industry in the two countries.

The signing ceremony, which took place in Marrakech on November 25, on the sidelines of the 117th Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), took place in Fatim-Zahra Ammor Minister of Tourism, Crafts and the Social and Solidarity Economy of Morocco and Ahmed Al-Khateeb, Minister of Tourism of Saudi Arabia.

“This memorandum of understanding between Morocco and Saudi Arabia illustrates a common vision between our two brotherly countries and marks a turning point in our cooperation in the tourism sector. It will give rise to more joint initiatives, sharing of experiences and good practices, and will allow the two countries to promote their tourism sectors and thus optimize their potential in this industry,” said Fatim-Zahra.

And Ahmed l-Khateeb continued: “Saudi Arabia and Morocco share a common commitment to preserve our rich cultural heritages and our respective natural sites, including the sea, the mountains and the desert, while bringing young talents to the center of our development plans. Sustainability is at the heart of Saudi Arabia’s tourism ambitions and, working with like-minded partners such as Morocco, we hope to strengthen the sector not only in the region, but also globally, to making tourism more sustainable, more inclusive and more resilient for people and communities”.


As the global tourism sector continues to identify solutions to better recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, this Memorandum of Understanding will allow Morocco and Saudi Arabia to learn from each other’s experiences and provide new avenues for collaboration and growth.

Indeed, Morocco and Saudi Arabia both recognize the potential of the tourism sector to support the development of the local economy, while promoting local job creation.

The memorandum will support sustainable tourism efforts, by strengthening training and knowledge sharing, and will introduce new investment opportunities in tourism.

Saudi Arabia is currently one of Morocco’s major partners in the Arab world.

In 2020, the country invested $26.6 million in many sectors in Morocco, including real estate, agriculture and tourism. This memorandum will promote more investment opportunities in tourism for the two countries and will also allow a substantial transfer of know-how and tourism training.

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