Brouillon auto
#Economy #Trades #Beirut #LEBANON
Denys Bédarride
Monday 17 August 2020 Last update on Monday, August 17, 2020 At 9:36 AM

The Port of Beirut has gradually resumed operations to secure goods for local markets a week after the massive explosion.

This is what Raoul Nehme, the Lebanese Minister of Economy in the government managing current affairs, said.

The port has resumed its activities so that ships unload their cargo, and merchants come to collect their goods from the port,” he posted on the social network Twitter.

On August 4, the Lebanese capital spent a bloody night following a massive explosion in the port of Beirut. The first indications reveal that highly explosive materials are at the origin of this incident which killed 171 people and whose damage is estimated between 10 and 15 billion dollars.

The next day, the Lebanese government announced a five-day investigation, while former heads of government, including Saad Hariri and Najib Mikati, called for the formation of an international or Arab investigative committee to determine the causes of the explosion.

The economic crisis will worsen following the explosion that paralyzed commercial traffic in Lebanon, which could cause a shortage of basic products. Indeed, the port is considered the main warehouse for many commodities.

Source Anadolu Agency