Turkey wants to convince of its good economic health 1
#DecisionMakers #Investment #TURKEY
Denys Bédarride
Monday 14 December 2020 Last update on Monday, December 14, 2020 At 11:24 AM

The President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, invited foreign investors to come to Turkey, assuring that everything will be done to facilitate their journey.

The Head of State spoke during the Economic Council, organized by the Union of Chambers and Stock Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB).

He first welcomed the reforms carried out in recent years to attract foreign investors to Turkey.

“The reforms that we have carried out to facilitate the course of investors, have made it possible to make our country jump 27 places to install it 33rd in the world among 190 countries, in terms of the index of the ease of doing business”, he explained.

He added: “We will continue to offer the best conditions to foreign investors”, thus inviting them to come to Turkey.

In addition, the Head of State expressed all his confidence in the new economic priorities.

“Fighting inflation is our main priority. Our goal is to quickly reduce the inflation rate to below 10%. We will continue our march by maintaining financial discipline and focusing on growth and jobs. We must not allow high interest rates to crush our entrepreneurs, ”said President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

He continued: “We will see that production, employment, exports and growth will foster a positive detachment from our country. According to preliminary data for September 2020, we will end the third quarter with a strong growth rate.”

“We will continue our march by maintaining financial discipline and focusing on growth and jobs,” he added. “We must not allow high interest rates to crush our entrepreneurs.”

President Erdogan concluded by assuring that Turkey will soon shine with its economy: “We are leaving the preparation period last for us to enter the era of economic boom.”

Source Anadolu Agency