Libya to begin reunification of its Central Bank
#Bank #Economy #Finance #Institution #LIBYA
Denys Bédarride
Thursday 27 January 2022 Last update on Thursday, January 27, 2022 At 12:49 PM

Libya will begin the reunification of its Central Bank, split into two branches since the beginning of the security crisis in the country. The information was revealed in a press release published this Thursday, January 20 by the institution.

“A contract for the provision of professional services to support the implementation of the reunification roadmap has been signed with Deloitte, a leading professional services company,” said the Central Bank statement, relayed by Reuters.

In December, the institution had indicated that it could begin this process as soon as the general elections were organized. However, these could not be held as planned on December 24, thus postponing the planned timetable for economic reforms in the country.

According to the officials of the two branches of the Central Bank divided between the East and West regions of the country, the first phase of the reunification process could be completed by next July.

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