Palestine: What is the status of aid received by the Palestinian Authority? 1
#CRISIS #EconomicAnalysis #Economy #Finance #Health #News #WORLDBANK #PALESTINE
Denys Bédarride
Tuesday 22 February 2022 Last update on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 At 7:24 PM

A report released by the Ministry of Finance points to a steady decline in external budget support to the Palestinian Authority in recent years. The World Bank announces a new grant of $3.75 million.

In 2014, external support for the Palestinian budget amounted to $1.23 billion. From 2015, this support fell sharply to $798 million, then $765 million in 2016.

This continued to decline in 2017, settling at $719 million. In 2018, foreign grants fell to $673 million, then to $610 million in 2019.

This decline continued in 2020, marked by a sharp decline in Arab support, with total budget support of $488 million.

In 2021, total external support for the Palestinian Authority’s budget amounted to $350 million, marked by a sharp decline in contributions from European countries, which stood at less than $30 million in 2021.

Health crisis: The World Bank continues its support

The World Bank announced a new grant of $3.75 million to support the Palestinian Ministry of Health’s efforts to address the health crisis in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Due to the low testing capacities available in the Palestinian Territories, the number of reported cases is lower than the reality; in fact, the number of new infections reported daily is once again reaching high levels.

Complementing the fight against covid-19, this new grant also focuses on the purchase of medical supplies and equipment to improve resilience to future health shocks, including medicines for health emergencies and chronic diseases.

Source Embassy of France in Lebanon

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