Palestine : Le dialogue économique américano-palestinien est relancé 
#Cooperation #Economy #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #PALESTINE
Denys Bédarride
Wednesday 20 July 2022 Last update on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 At 7:00 AM

US and Palestinian officials met July 5 to renew the US-Palestinian economic dialogue, the first of its kind in five years, the State Department said.

The two sides issued a joint statement stressing the importance of restoring political and economic relations between the US government and the Palestinian Authority, and pledged to broaden and deepen cooperation and coordination in various sectors.

The statement said the online dialogue “to renew the US-Palestinian economic dialogue”, noted that the meeting brought together a wide range of agencies and ministries of the US government and the Palestinian Authority to discuss current areas and future of economic cooperation.

Senior US and Palestinian officials discussed key topics including infrastructure development, access to US markets, US regulations, free trade, financial issues, renewable energy and environmental initiatives, networking Palestinian and American businesses and the removal of obstacles to the development of the Palestinian economy, he said. The dialogue also included a discussion on international trade relations.

According to the statement, the two sides concluded the dialogue “by agreeing to work on several issues necessary to support the economic prosperity of the Palestinian people, and the U.S. government has identified programs that will support the PA’s efforts on financial and trade as well as to encourage foreign direct investment.

Source : Embassy of France in Lebanon

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