Liban : Quelle est la situation du chômage en pleine crise ?
#Cooperation #Economy #Food #Social #LEBANON #SaoudiArabia
Denys Bédarride
Saturday 20 August 2022 Last update on Saturday, August 20, 2022 At 7:00 AM

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) on August 11 distributed humanitarian aid provided by Saudi Arabia as part of a food security support project, which targets more than 300,000 Lebanese.

“This aid is a contribution from the Saudi Embassy to the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center initiative for a food security support project, which targets more than 300,000 people in need in Lebanon.” reads the ESCWA statement.

The same source indicated that the aid will be distributed to various social strata and needy family groups in Lebanon.

On April 26, Saudi Arabia and France announced a joint development fund for Lebanon and pledged to provide about $76 million initially to support food security and the health sector in the country, according to a report. press release issued by the French Embassy.

This emerges from the results of Franco-Saudi talks during an official visit by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the capital, Paris.

Since 2019, Lebanon has been experiencing the worst economic crisis in its history, with the collapse of its local currency (the pound), a shortage of medicines, fuel and other basic products due to a shortage of dollars needed for imports. , and a sharp drop in the purchasing power of its citizens.

Source : Anadolu Agency

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