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#Diplomacy #Energy #Fuel #Germany #UnitedArabEmirates
Denys Bédarride
Sunday 16 October 2022 Last update on Sunday, October 16, 2022 At 7:00 AM

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) agreed on October 9 to supply Germany with low-carbon diesel, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and ammonia.

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) of the UAE has signed an agreement with the German company RWE to deliver liquefied natural gas later this year, according to the national news agency WAM.

ADNOC also planned to deliver several more LNG shipments to German customers in 2023, the agency said, without giving further details.

Another agreement has been signed between ADNOC and the German company Wilhelm Hoyer GmbH & Co. KG (Hoyer) to supply up to 250,000 tonnes of diesel per month in 2023.

These agreements were signed during the visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to the Gulf country.

“I welcome the signing of the Joint Declaration of Intent on the Industrial and Energy Security Accelerator (ESIA). Thanks to the ESIA, we are enabling the rapid realization of strategic projects in the fields of renewable energies, hydrogen, LNG and climate action,” Olaf Scholz said after signing the agreements.

The German Chancellor began a two-day tour of the Gulf on October 8, which took him to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for talks on energy cooperation. He should then go to Qatar.

Germany, along with many European countries, is facing an energy crisis after Russia cut natural gas supplies to Europe, via the strategic Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, in response to European sanctions imposed on Moscow following the war it is waging in Ukraine.

Source : Anadolu Agency

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