Libya wants to regain the dynamism of its telecommunications sector, destroyed during ten years of civil war
#DecisionMakers #EntreprisesLife #Telecommunication #LIBYA
Denys Bédarride
Wednesday 24 March 2021 Last update on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 At 8:03 AM

The country is increasing the number of telecom collaboration requests with its international partners.

Through the Libyan Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Company (LPTIC), the country wants to take advantage of English expertise to develop its national telecoms sector. Faisel Gergab, chairman of LPTIC, and Lydie Sheehan, country director for UK trade relations in Libya and Tunisia, discussed to this effect last week.

During the meeting, Faisel Gergab affirmed that “LPTIC seeks to benefit from the expertise of British companies to develop the telecommunications sector and expand investments in the country in accordance with the company’s 2021-2023 strategic plan”.

The exchanges initiated by the LPTIC with the British come a few weeks after similar discussions with the United States. On this occasion, Faisel Gergab spoke with Daniel Liss, the commercial attaché of the United States Embassy, Debbie Hirst, the director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Libya (AmCham Libya), and a group of companies US telecommunications and technology companies interested in investing in Libya.

By developing the national telecommunications sector, the LPTIC intends, among other things, to restore the telecommunications network; improve the population’s access to telecom services, especially broadband; reposition the sector as a source of wealth and jobs.

Source Ecofin Agency

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