La Turquie confirme son soutien à l’Éthiopie
#Africa #Economy #Erdogan #Ethiopia #News
Denys Bédarride
Thursday 19 August 2021 Last update on Thursday, August 19, 2021 At 10:24 AM

Recep Tayyip Erdogan first offered his condolences to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed because of the people who died in the floods that hit the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

“I am happy to share with you the information that all FETO schools in Ethiopia were transferred to our Maarif Foundation last week”, insisted the Turkish head of state, recalling that the FETO is a terrorist organization. which will one day or another harm all the countries which still tolerate its presence on its soil.

He assured that the volume of Turkish investments in Ethiopia reached 2.5 billion dollars while specifying that important projects are currently underway.

“As you know, Ethiopia is going through a delicate process. We discussed the developments and the current situation in the Tigray region. The peace, serenity and integrity of Ethiopia, which holds a strategic position and importance in Africa, are important to us. We attach great importance to the resolution of the existing problems calmly and to the maintenance of peace and stability in the region “underlined the Turkish President, Erdogan before adding that Turkey will do everything in its power to resolve the problems in the region.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said, “Ethiopia attaches great importance to partnership and friendship with Turkey”
And Abiy Ahmed continued: “Turkey is a country with international influence and which shapes global relations.”

Several agreements were signed in many areas during this conference between the two countries.

Source Anadolu Agency

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