Jordan has decided to strengthen its relations with Syria
#Company #Cooperation #EntreprisesLife #MediterraneanExchanges #Politics #Trade #JORDAN
Denys Bédarride
Monday 4 October 2021 Last update on Monday, October 4, 2021 At 4:50 PM

Several recent announcements illustrate a desire for rapprochement between Damascus and Amman, particularly in the economic field. Two high-level meetings have taken place in recent weeks, the most recent being a visit to Amman by a large Syrian ministerial delegation, made up of the ministers of Economy and Foreign Trade, Water, 'Agriculture and Electricity.

This trip gave rise to several announcements concerning exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

In the air transport sector, the Royal Jordanian company is expected to resume commercial flights between the two capitals, after more than nine years of suspension. While waiting for the resumption of flights, the company will ensure, from this Sunday, October 3, transits by land to Syria.

The Jaber border post reopened on September 29 after a 60-day closure linked to the security context in the region.

On the trade front, the two sides agreed to exchange lists of priority products in order to improve trade and discuss the procedures necessary for the reopening of the Jordanian-Syrian free zone.

In the water sector, a joint committee should be reactivated to increase cooperation for the benefit of the Yarmouk watershed.

In the energy field, the two sides discussed ways to reactivate the Jordanian-Syrian power connection line with a focus on rehabilitating the damaged power grid in Syria.

Source French Embassy in Lebanon

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