Libya : Housing and Infrastructure Authority says it only completed 1/3 of projects planned before 2011
#Building #Cooperation #DecisionMakers #Entreprises #Institution #Investment #LIBYA
Denys Bédarride
Monday 29 November 2021 Last update on Monday, November 29, 2021 At 1:34 PM

According to the director of the Libyan Housing and Infrastructure Authority (HIB), Mahmoud Ajaj, barely a third of the projects planned before 2011 have been completed. Of the 40 billion USD of the dedicated budget, only 13 billion has been used.

Mahmoud Ajaj was one of the interlocutors invited by the American Chamber of Commerce in Libya (AmCham Libya) to speak to a delegation of American companies including Bechtel, Caterpillar, GE, Hill and Pratt & Whitney.

The HIB director recalled that Prime Minister Dbeibah’s government has played a significant role in rebuilding Libyan infrastructure through its “”Reviving Life”” program. Established in 2006, the office has participated in the construction of 79 housing complexes in 41 cities, or 250,000 housing units across the country.

The reconstruction of infrastructure is based on public / private partnerships and subcontracting contracts with foreign companies. Mahmoud Ajaj said a new master plan would be introduced for the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi. The projects would be 90% financed by the private sector.

The director of the HIB also confirmed that a group of Egyptian companies has been awarded a 5 billion USD contract for the completion of a 3rd ring road but recalled that new tenders will be opened next year. 

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