How will Algeria strengthen its trade relations with the United Kingdom?
#Cooperation #DecisionMakers #Economy #Institution #InternationalTrade #MediterraneanExchanges #ALGERIA #MEDITERRANEANEXCHANGES #UK
Denys Bédarride
Thursday 27 January 2022 Last update on Thursday, January 27, 2022 At 6:00 AM

The Minister of Trade and Export Promotion, Kamel Rezig received, on January 18 in Algiers, the personal representative of the British Prime Minister in charge of the economic partnership with Algeria, Lord Richard Risby, with whom he examined the ways and ways to strengthen and develop bilateral relations in the commercial field, said a statement from the ministry.

During this meeting which took place in the presence of the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Algeria, Sharon Anne Wardle, the two parties highlighted “the depth of the economic and commercial relations linking the two countries for years”, according to the press release.

The Minister affirmed that “the opportunity exists for economic operators to seek and expand the areas of partnership in accordance with the win-win rule”, referring to the main lines of the new government policy which encourages producer investment in partnership with foreigners, in particular through the granting of several advantages and ensuring an adequate business climate.

Kamel Rezig also discussed “the possibility of concluding a partnership agreement between Algeria and the United Kingdom to promote local products”, stressing the importance of activating the Algerian-British business council capable of increase the volume of trade, notes the same source.

Lord Risby, for his part, declared that “Algeria is a strategic partner for the United Kingdom”, expressing “the total willingness of his country to exchange expertise, particularly in the field of export and the mechanisms of economic diversification.

Source Algeria Press Service

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