Palestine: What is the unemployment situation?
#DecisionMakers #Economy #Employment #Institution #Labor #News #Unemployment #PALESTINE
Denys Bédarride
Tuesday 1 March 2022 Last update on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 At 11:27 AM

The unemployment rate among the labor force in Palestine reached 26% in 2021 while the labor underutilization index reached 34%.

There is still a large disparity in the unemployment rate between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with the rate reaching 47% in the enclave compared to 16% in the West Bank. With regard to gender, the unemployment rate for women reached 43% against 22% for men in all of the territories.

Bethlehem Governorate in the West Bank (25%) and Dier Al-Balah Governorate (53%) in the Gaza Strip recorded the highest unemployment rates in 2021.

The unemployment rate was highest among young graduates (under 30) and the survey showed that there is still a significant gap in the labor force participation rate between men and women. About seven out of ten men are counted in the labor force, compared to about two out of ten women.

The average number of weekly hours worked by employees in the West Bank was 43.5 hours compared to 36.5 hours in the Gaza Strip. And the average number of working days per month was 23 days in the West Bank and 22.3 days in the Gaza Strip.

Source Embassy of France in Lebanon

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