La Tunisie voit la valeur de ses exportations industrielles augmenté de 19,4% en 2021
#Economy #Export #InternationalTrade #MediterraneanExchanges #News #TURKEY
Denys Bédarride
Tuesday 21 June 2022 Last update on Tuesday, June 21, 2022 At 7:30 AM

President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his country's exports amounted to 243 billion dollars last May on an annual basis and that its share in world exports had increased to 1.05%.

This is what emerged from a speech he made on June 13, during the 29th meeting of the General Assembly of the Union of Turkish Exporters (TIM), in Istanbul.

The Turkish Head of State said that his country’s exports increased from $225 billion last year to $243 billion in May this year.

He added that Turkey’s share in world exports had risen to 1.05%, underlining his country’s intention to increase this percentage at several levels.

The Turkish leader also pointed out that Turkish exports have involved 217 countries and regions in the world.

Source Anadolu Agency

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