Egypt and Jordan just signed an extension agreement for the supply of natural gas
#Cooperation #EgyptOilAndGas #Gas #NaturalGas #Oil #Petroleum #Resources #EGYPT #JORDAN
Denys Bédarride
Monday 31 May 2021 Last update on Monday, May 31, 2021 At 10:35 AM

The gas sector is an important economic link for the relations between Egypt and Jordan. The Arab monarchy imports a third of its gas demand from its African neighbor. The two countries plan to improve their cooperation in this sector.

The Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) and Jordan’s National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) have just signed an agreement to extend a natural gas supply contract. EGAS has resumed gas deliveries to the Jordanian power producer since September 2018, after a four-year suspension, to a plateau of more than 350 million cubic feet per day.

The signing was made during a visit by the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El-Molla, to Amman, where he met with his Jordanian counterpart, Hala Zawati. The two officials discussed ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fields of oil, natural gas and mineral resources.

It must be said that the companies involved in this agreement have also signed the annex of another contract aimed at extending the natural gas distribution network in Jordan. Egypt, which has more experience in the oil and gas value chain, has undertaken the training of Jordanian officials for this purpose.

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