Turkey confirms its commitment to supporting Lebanon
#DecisionMakers #Diplomacy #Economy #MediterraneanExchanges #News #Politics #LEBANON #MEDITERRANEANEXCHANGES #TURKEY
Denys Bédarride
Wednesday 2 February 2022 Last update on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 At 11:58 AM

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has assured that Turkey will always stand by Lebanon in good and bad days.

President Erdogan hosted a joint press conference with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati at the presidential palace in Ankara on February 1, following their face-to-face meeting.

In good and bad days

“Turkey will always be at Lebanon’s side in good and bad days,” said the Turkish head of state, saying he was happy to welcome Najib Mikati.

“In our exchanges, we comprehensively discussed Turkey-Lebanon relations. We focused on developing cooperation opportunities,” he added.

Erdogan recalled that despite the pandemic the volume of trade between the two countries increased by about 80% last year and reached the level of 1.8 billion dollars.

“Of course, we don’t find that enough,” he remarked.

“I told the Prime Minister of Lebanon that our companies were ready to carry out important infrastructure projects, including the reconstruction of the port of Beirut”, he noted.

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, for his part, said that Turkey has always stood by Lebanon.

“You have enabled Turkey to become a solid bridge between the West and the East,” he said, addressing Erdogan.

Source Anadolu Agency

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