Egypt: The US will subsidize development projects to the tune of $ 130 million in the country
#Agriculture #Cooperation #Covid19 #DecisionMakers #Development #Economy #Education #Health #Institution #Investment #Technology #Trade #UnitedStates #EGYPT
Denys Bédarride
Monday 15 November 2021 Last update on Monday, November 15, 2021 At 10:37 AM

Since the short break in relations between Egypt and the United States in 2017, the two countries have continued to take actions to strengthen their cooperation. The land of the pharaohs has just received funding of several million to boost its development.

The USA will subsidize development projects to the tune of 130 million dollars in Egypt. The announcement was made on November 2 by the Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation.

This funding, operated through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will be used to strengthen seven business lines of basic education, gender equality, science and education, technology, agriculture, health, economic governance, trade and investment, and to fight the covid-19 pandemic. These sectors will benefit from $ 125 million while $ 5 million will be allocated to the fight against covid-19.

$ 17 million will be spent on basic education, $ 31 million will go to the Egyptian-American Higher Education Initiative (HEI), $ 4 million will be allocated to U.S.-Egyptian cooperation in the science and technology, $ 27 million will contribute to economic governance, $ 5 million will be invested in agriculture and rural development and $ 28 million will be used to strengthen trade and investment in Egypt. Investments will also be made in social and economic development, including gender equality.

These grant agreements are part of a “strategic and historic partnership” between the two countries which has lasted for several decades. This partnership aims to support Egypt’s efforts to achieve sustainable development.

Note that over the past 40 years, the United States has contributed, through its investments, to several development initiatives such as the provision of drinking water and sanitation services to 25 million Egyptians, the elimination of polio, the construction of 2,000 schools and the provision of 4,000 university scholarships in the land of the pharaohs. According to US Ambassador to Egypt Jonathan Cohen, Uncle Sam’s country has invested at least $ 30 billion in 43 years of cooperation.

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