This is what emerges from data announced by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) on November 29. According to these figures, Turkey's exports grew 20.1 percent in October 2021, year-on-year, to reach $ 20.79 billion.
As for imports, they increased by 12.8% in the same period, reaching 22.23 billion dollars.
The trade deficit fell 40.1% in October, year-on-year, to $ 1.43 billion. The coverage rate, which was 87.8% in October 2020, rose to 93.5% in October 2021.
In the period January-October 2021, exports increased by 33.9% ($ 181.67 billion) and imports by 22.5% ($ 215.53 billion), compared to the same period in 2020.
Germany was the first destination for Turkish exports ($ 1.69 billion). It is followed by the United States ($ 1.30 billion), the United Kingdom ($ 1.22 billion), Iraq ($ 1.13 billion) and Italy ($ 1.10 billion) of dollars).
As for Turkey’s imports, China was the first source ($ 2.52 billion). It is followed by Russia ($ 2.43 billion), Germany ($ 1.50 billion), the United States ($ 1.05 billion) and Italy ($ 945 million).
Source Anadolu Agency
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