Iraq : What is the state of the informal economy?
#EconomicAnalysis #Economy #Employment #InternationalLaborOfficeILO #Labor #MiddleEast #Unemployment #UnitedNations #IRAK
Denys Bédarride
Monday 6 December 2021 Last update on Monday, December 6, 2021 At 4:08 PM

A consortium of UN and development agencies, led by the International Labor Office (ILO) has published a diagnostic of the informal economy in Iraq.

Despite the lack of recent consolidated data, it emerges a strong growth of the Iraqi labor force between 2011 and 2017, which goes from 8 M to 10.5 M and an employment rate of the population of working age which remains among the weakest of the countries of the Middle East (49% in federal Iraq and 40% in Iraqi Kurdistan).

The unemployment rate is also high at 16% nationwide. The state remains the main provider of jobs with 39% of civil servants out of the country’s total jobs (without including employees of public / parastatal enterprises which represent 10 to 20% of jobs).

The private sector thus contributes only 40 to 50% of the country’s jobs (formal and informal private sector). Young people and women are particularly poorly integrated into the local labor market.

The youth unemployment rate is 36% and the employment rate of working-age women is only 20% (unemployment rate: 27%) (data – 2017-18).

The informal economy remains predominant in Iraq with 95% of the companies surveyed saying they are not officially registered.

As a result, private employment remains overwhelmingly informal with only 14% of employees declaring to have signed an employment contract, 37% having an oral agreement with the employer and 49% having no direct agreement with their employer. .

As a result, only 4% of private sector employees have employer-paid health insurance and 8% paid vacation (data – 2020)

To access the study:–en/index.htm

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