La Tunisie accuse une dégradation de sa balance commerciale des produits énergétiques mais améliore son indépendance énergétique
#Electricity #Energy #Gas #Sonatrach #ALGERIA
Agence Ecofin
Thursday 25 July 2024 Last update on Thursday, July 25, 2024 At 5:40 PM

Algeria wants to remain a key player in supplying energy to the European market, one of the main destinations for the country's natural gas production.

On 21 July, Mohamed Arkab announced that Sonatrach, Algeria’s state-owned oil company, and the national electricity and gas company (Sonelgaz) were preparing to sign contracts for the installation of an undersea electricity cable with Europe.

The announcement was made during a visit to the headquarters of the Opérateur du système électrique (OSE), a Sonelgaz subsidiary. According to reports, the signing of the contracts, which ‘will enable Algeria to export conventional electricity produced from natural gas and electricity produced from alternative and renewable energies’, is expected to involve ‘international partners’.

A few weeks ago, the Algerian authorities raised the possibility of relaunching the electricity interconnection project between the Maghreb country and Italy. Algeria, a strategic energy partner for several European countries, has announced $50 million in energy investment over the next four years.

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